Experience Coherence

Creating the best experiences for customers and your team.

experience coherence, Experience Coherence, Peterman Design Firm

what is Experience Coherence?

Experience Coherence is the conscious design of the entire experience of your customers and team with your company. It is your company identity, customer touch points, core values, and brand. Branding is a part of this, as is customer experience design, marketing, and even company operating procedures. This includes how your team talks to and handles customers and each other. The entire customer journey is examined and defined. Because of this, every interaction from the first time they hear about you to the last time they ever interact with you is enjoyable and seamless. This can be a short journey or a long one. Either way, Experience Coherence is our process of making sure that the customer and your team have the best interactions possible.

How Experience Coherence Helps You

By creating a coherent and cohesive experience between your team and customers we can remove and avoid the snags, small and large, that cause a someone to leave. This means higher retention rates both with your customers and your team. Every experience your customer has with you is a chance to provide additional value and improve your relationship. Ensuring each touch point is coherent, we create an enjoyable experience for the customers. This avoids drop off between marketing efforts and actual product/team experience. It is a jarring experience as a customer to have one idea of the company through ads, then have a completely disconnected experience when talking to sales staff, or worse yet, the product. Setting the right expectation and then maintaining that experience is key to avoiding customer drop off.

Our Experience Coherence Process

By taking branding to this next level, we look at the entire customer journey. First interaction to last, we go over every way a customer will interact with the brand. We also review who manages it and what can be done to improve the experience. We avoid separation of departments and interactions, often working hand in hand with a Design Management process. Because of this, we’re able to create a cohesive experience for customers and team members alike. We ensure the ads, marketing, sales, product, services, features, and support all come together in a smooth and coherent way that grows customer and team loyalty.

Experience Coherence Highlights

Experience Coherence defines a clear and consistent identity through every experience of your company. Each facet of design creates a synergistic impression.

→ Vision, values and culture

→ Brand positioning and management

→ Strategic messaging

→ Communications strategy

→ Corporate responsibility (CSR) strategy

→ Content strategy and editorial planning

Specialties Involved in Experience Coherence

With the many areas Experience Coherence impacts, we need a team of specialists in different areas. Each of these are their own area of expertise and we bring the best possible team together for your project in these areas.

→ Graphic Design

→ Website Design

→ Website Development

→ Branding

→ Brand Management

→ Experience Design

→ UI/UX Design

→ Sales Consulting

→ Team Development

Let's make the best experiences!

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