
Finding and guiding the right customers to your business

Marketing, Marketing, Peterman Design Firm

what is Marketing?

Marketing is everything done to get in front of the right customers. This includes things like branding, websites, advertising, and PR. It’s a large umbrella and covers many different services. As the area that truly brings in revenue, it is also going to make up a large portion of your entire yearly budget. Market research and strategies play key roles in what and how you market. Key areas we consider under marketing that, though some people put outside of it, are branding, advertising, and PR. These are all part of the larger marketing strategies and goals. Marketing is very goal oriented and must always have a direction to move towards, or it becomes costly with little to show. We break down the action portion of marketing into two categories, short and long term. Things like SEO, content marketing, and PR are often long-term strategies that take months, sometimes over a year, to get results. Ads, influencer marketing, and website work are typically short term.

How Marketing Helps You

Marketing creates the relationships and awareness customers have of you, your brand, and your products or services. A well-coordinated and executed marketing strategy can create meteoric success. Good market research can provide you the information to know which products to launch and when and show new openings where a product could fit. Good marketing helps advertising and other efforts to be successful.

Our Marketing Process

Our marketing process involves our internal team researching and creating the strategies that will work for your business and customers. Following that, we work with our internal team and partners who specialize in different areas, such as advertising or PR, to execute on the strategy created. By combining short-term and long-term actions, we create more consistent results and offer success through the entire process.

Marketing Highlights

Marketing creates the path from idea to market share. The key to your success is a good marketing strategy.

→ Consulting

→ Marketing strategy

→ Website Design & Development

→ Product line evaluation

→ Competitor evaluation

→ Audience identification

→ Content and SEO

→ Advertising

Specialties Involved in Marketing

To bring a company into building its Brand Legacy, we need a team of specialists in different areas. Each of these are their own area of expertise and we bring the best possible team together for your project in these areas.

→ Website Design

→ Website Development

→ Branding

→ Market Research

→ Market Strategy


→ Digital Advertising

→ PR

→ Influencer Marketing

→ Content Marketing

→ Advertising

let's grow your market share!

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